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Which Self Storage Feature is Right for Your Personality?

Krista Diamond | January 18, 2017 @ 9:00 AM

In today’s world, a storage unit is soooo much more than a 5x5 space with a roll up door where you keep your stuff (we prefer to think of it as a place where you keep your hopes and dreams, but that’s just us). It may have been Socrates who first said “know thyself,” but we’re just suggesting that you know who you are well enough to figure out what to look for in a storage unit. Below are ten types of people and the self storage features that work best for them. Which one are you?

The Environmentalist

Who You Are: You know a place that makes really good vegan tacos. Your local farmer’s market is like that show Cheers in the sense that everybody knows your name. You can sort your recycling in your sleep. If you’re being honest, your roommate once caught you literally sorting your recycling in your sleep.

What Self Storage Feature is Right For You: Online bill pay. Paperless isn’t just the way of the future; it’s one of the many, many ways you’re going to help save the planet.

The Worrier

Who You Are: You saw that ad for the identity theft protection service and immediately called the 1-800 number. You pride yourself in how often you change your email password and you don’t understand people who talk about living in neighborhoods “where you leave your door unlocked.”

What Self Storage Feature is Right For You: 24-hour cameras. Because your self storage facility should be just as vigilant as you are. Surveillance cameras allow storage facilities to watch over your stuff even when you can’t.

The Road Tripper

Who You Are: Home to you is an open road. You can think of at least three highways that you’ve driven from start to finish. You know what it feels like to forget which state you’re in and you’re well aware of the perils of forgetting to fill up your tank on that long stretch of I-70 going through Utah.

What Self Storage Feature is Right For You: RV/Car/Boat storage. Someday, you’ll be living life on the road full time, but until then, a storage facility is the best place to park that extra vehicle.

The Antique Collector

Who You Are: You can spot a good deal on a vintage piece of furniture from miles away. You unironically watch Antiques Roadshow. You don’t think that re-gifting and hand-me-downs are bad things and you prefer actual photo albums over Facebook photo albums.

What Self Storage Feature is Right For You: Climate-controlled storage. Heat, cold and humidity are like Kryptonite to antiques. Speaking of Kryptonite, if you’re storing vintage Superman comics or even just vintage photos of your family, climate-controlled storage is the best way to preserve those sensitive items.

The Night Owl

Who You Are: You believe that “The City That Never Sleeps” is whatever city you’re currently in. You’re pretty sure that 24-hour diners were invented with you in mind. You don’t think it would be that bad to work a graveyard shift.

What Self Storage Feature is Right For You: 24-hour access. For those who work weird hours, feel most productive at night or are just straight-up vampires, a storage facility that allows 24-hour access is key.

The Entrepreneur

Who You Are: You have a home office, an office-office and the only other place you go is Starbucks. You are never not checking your email. Your closet is 99% inventory and 1% your own belongings. You can’t remember the last time you went to a bar for something other than a networking event.

What Self Storage Feature is Right For You: Business storage. Commercial storage is a great way to manage your inventory. Pro tip: Look for storage facilities with business centers where you can print, copy, scan and stay on top of things.

The Aristocrat

Who You Are: Your favorite word is “charcuterie.” You understand the cartoons in The New Yorker. You have a favorite Shakespearean sonnet and it isn’t the one you had to memorize in high school. You secretly wish everyone wrote in cursive.

What Self Storage Feature is Right For You: Wine storage. The only thing fancier than a wine cellar is a storage facility that caters to the needs of wine connoisseurs.

The Procrastinator

Who You Are: You like to pack for trips the day of, as in an hour before you have to leave. You start every single term paper the night before it’s due. Your resume says you work well under pressure, but really you just like to wait until the last minute.

What Self Storage Feature is Right For You: Boxes and supplies. If people think that you’re going to actually seek out moving supplies before a move, they’re dreaming. Choose a storage facility that sells boxes, tape and everything else you need to move  and you’ll be just fine.

The Convenience Seeker

Who You Are: You think that there should be a drive-through for everything. You’re not above microwavable dinners. You think that streaming video is way, way better than TV. You have driven to a location that you could have easily walked to.

What Self Storage Feature is Right For You: Drive up access. No need to find parking. With drive up access you'll never have to carry anything far.

The Innovator

Who You Are: Your favorite topics of conversation are the gig economy and speculation about the next iPhone. You’d rather use an app to request a ride than drive your own car. Your last three relationships began on Tinder. You wholeheartedly believe that “disruptor” is the highest compliment.

What Self Storage Feature is Right For You: Mobile storage. A storage unit that comes to you rather than the other way around? Boom. Game changer.

Good news! Now that you’ve figured out which self storage feature is best for your personality, you can find your perfect storage unit on StorageFront. Simply filter your search to only include facilities that offer the features you want and voilà, you’re on your way to extra space.

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