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6 Tips for Organizing Your Storage Unit

GuestBlogger | November 25, 2014 @ 1:11 PM

Renting a storage unit is a smart way to keep your valuable items safe and keep your home free of excess items that you really don’t need on a daily basis.. Once you have the storage unit, you’re not quite done with the work yet. Although it takes time up front, organizing your storage unit properly will pay off in convenience time and time again. Here are some tips to accomplish just that. To make the most of your investment in storage unit rental, follow these steps:

1. Choose the right size storage space.

Don’t go blindly into the process. First assess exactly what you want to put in storage and then add a little extra space as a cushion for the items you may have forgotten (or will add in the future). Plus, you’ll need to be able to navigate around the unit, so leave enough walking space.

2. Decide what to keep and what to purge.

Before putting anything into a storage unit, you should take the time to inventory everything and decide what will stay and what will go. Make separate piles for items you plan to keep, donate, or throw in the trash. If you are having trouble letting go of items, ask yourself the following questions:
  • When was the last time I used this? If it’s been over a year, chances are that it is something you really don’t need to keep.
  • Does this have sentimental value? Perhaps you haven’t seen or used the item in a year or more but it holds a place close to your heart. Family heirlooms or favorite pieces of furniture that have no space in your house should find a home in your storage unit.

3. Draw a diagram of your storage unit layout.

Once you have a general idea of what items will go into your storage unit, sketch a few diagrams of potential layouts and decide which one works best. Remember, you want to have space to move around easily, and not have everything jam-packed in the smallest space possible. Be sure to include pathways so that every item is easily accessible within the unit when you need it.

4. Buy your storage supplies.

Purchase your boxes, tape, markers, and other supplies to get packing. Label boxes numerically as you go and don’t close any of the containers until you are absolutely sure that they are ready to go. You may find more items that should go together as you get further into the process.

5. Pack your items into boxes and other storage containers.

Don’t just start throwing items into boxes and bins. Be sure you label each box and put like things together and then keep an inventory of what is in each box (it’s best to use a numbered system for the boxes). Once they are packed up, put them into the unit in reverse order with the smallest number upfront. The goal here is to make it easier to find the items that you need quickly without having to tear apart your entire storage unit. Tip: As you pack and number boxes, keep a document listing the box number and contents. Then, keep this document in your storage unit as a directory to find specific items in no time flat.

6. Fill your storage unit.

Follow the diagram you created to put the items in the unit safely. Be sure there is a clear path to reach what you need easily when you need it, and that all items are stored safely. Renting a storage unit can make your life at home less cluttered and can also provide a safe place for some of your most valuable items. Maximize the space you have with these tips to ensure that your storage unit will not only be a great upfront investment, but one that will continue to pay off for years to come. Image courtesy of nuttakit at

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