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Another Life Lost to Hoarding

Mia Iverson | August 31, 2010 @ 10:06 AM

Countless news stories have told us of the many victims of hoarding. But most chilling are the ones where the victims fall prey to their uncontrolled habits. In yet another case, this time in Las Vegas, a 67 year-old-woman was found dead in her own home, buried in her possessions. She had been missing for four months, and even the search dogs couldn’t sniff her out. The woman was found only because her husband spotted feet sticking out from “a mountain of garbage and clutter." Read the original news story here from AOL News. Experts still cannot agree on the causes of such excessive hoarding. Debates continue in the psychological field of whether or not to classify compulsive hoarding as its own disorder or a symptom of a much deeper condition such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. And if you have even the slightest tendency of being a “pack-rat,” remember the words of Karena Simon in our blog post “Simon Says: Organize Your Space”: The second step in Karena’s process is helping the client acknowledge that things have to go away. From there, she works with the client to determine that the space is intended for XYZ. “Take out the things that don’t meet the criteria,” Simon says. “If it’s supposed to be a bedroom, why is your workout bike in there?” Need extra space to store your personal belongings and make your home clutter-free? Check out for all your storage needs!

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